Consulting Services

“Start with a dream”.

We help laboratories make the right technology decisions through our independent, unbiased and practical problem-solving approach.

Our services are tailored to your needs and powered by our core expertise within Applied Genetic Testing verticals. Genomics Program Development and Project Management, and our team offers a full stack of upstream and downstream services within your operations.

  • Platform & Technology Agostic
  • Experienced Professionals
  • Deep Segment Insights


SSG-CIC operates on a 100% Not-for-Profit Model.



Most training is bespoke, according to client requirements. However, from time to time, we offer specific courses and workshops throughout the year.

• Initial consultation establishes baseline and future state
• Our scientists develop course content
• Start from where you are
• Competency Assessment (Optional)
• Coaching & mentoring (Optional)
• Follow up training & development


Our 20+ years of experience ensures that your projects are executed through meticulous planning, designed to the desired specifications and implemented to drive successful outcome.


• Program Management
• Project Development & Execution
• Training and Capacity Building
• Quality Systems
• Internal Validation & Verification
• ISO Accreditation
• Regulatory and Compliance
• Contract Work Placement
• Managed Services


A structured planning and design of workflows, operations, infrastructure through rigorous assessment and consultation with our clients. We offer years of experience to develop National and enterprise-level programs in areas such as Forensic DNA (Human Identification), biometrics, population genomics, plant and animal breeding, animal health, food and water testing, environmental testing and other applied genetics verticals around the globe.


• Laboratory Design
• Automation
• Infrastructure
• Management Systems (LIMS, HIMS, ERP)
• Master Plan Development
• Supplier Evaluation & Bid Management

Analysis & Optimization

We have multi-skilled capability that enable us to provide 360 degree view of your business / process and inform recommendations promptly.


• Laboratory Process Engineering &
• Business Process Improvement
• Resource Mapping & Optimization
• Project and Change Management
• Business Analytics

Strategy & Planning

We work in close partnership with our clients to identify the opportunities not visible to most.

• Business
• Innovation
• Training & Development
• Investment Decisions
• Go-to-Market Strategy
• Digital Strategy


At the onset of the project and on agreement of total project pricing and timelines, an invoicing/cashflow schedule is prepared in consultation with the client. Payment could be monthly, on completion of set phases or milestones, or a combination.

Pricing is prepared based on the scope, size and technical complexity of the proposed or incumbent solutions. Where the service is combined with other services such as consolidation support or facility design, scale discounts will be applied.

We help our clients make the right technology decisions with the highest value impact, at lowest cost and implementation risk through an unbiased, fact-based, structured service

Independence is a critical characteristic of SSG’s Strategy and Design service and is protected fiercely. SSG pride ourselves to advise labs and our clients on the most suitable technology solution for them given their unique requirements and financial resources.

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Making sure you're human.

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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